Friday, December 21, 2012

Robert Benchey Society's Boston Christmas Party

The "We've Come for the Davenport" Boston Chapter of the Robert Benchley Society met for Christmas cocktails at the Harvard Club of Boston on Thursday, December 20, 2012. This was the inaugural of the Chapter's new arrangement to have a Benchley Roundup at the Harvard Club of Boston every third Thursday of the month. For more information contact David Trumbull at


Eileen said...

A good time was, in fact, had by all.

PJS said...

"the Chapter's new arrangement to have a Benchley Roundup at the Harvard Club of Boston every third Thursday of the month" -- this sounds fun indeed!

Robert Benchley Society

For more information about the Robert Benchley Society, local chapters near you, our annual Award for Humor, and our Annual Gathering, visit The RBS Website