Vivian Craig's main problems aren't so much her mind-numbingly boring duties as editor at "The Brick Bulletin," her wary encounters with a hypochondriac receptionist, her daily dose of melodrama from her romance novel-loving sister, her unsuccessful attempts to rebuff an egomaniacal suitor, or even her propensity for clumsiness. It's her blog.
The $2.99 e-book is available for Kindle, Nook, and other digital formats at Smashwords. Free sample chapters of MY LIFE BEHIND THE BRICK WALL are available at all three websites.
Angie's humor column, "Banter from the Burbs," ran in the Suburban Scene magazine for two years. Publishing credits also include"Exceptional People" magazine, "National Post," "Inside Annapolis," and "The Capital." Visit her website at angiebrennan.com for humor columns; spoof advice from Aunt Angie, Domestic Docent; cartoons; comic verse; and more.